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About Us

Our Newsrooms

Our newspapers and our three websites cover regional and statewide news from newsrooms located in Portland, Lewiston, Waterville and Augusta. Our local community news is distributed through a mix of daily and weekly newspapers, epapers, community newsletters, and localized sections of our regional websites.

Portland Press Herald icon is the digital home of the Portland Press Herald and the statewide Maine Sunday Telegram newspapers; and also publishes community news from the communities from York and Cumberland County to the Midcoast.

Sun Journal icon is the digital home of the Lewiston Sun Journal newspaper; and also publishes community news from Androscoggin County and Western Maine.

Central Maine icon is the digital home of the Morning Sentinel and Kennebec Journal; and also publishes community news from the communities surrounding Waterville and Augusta.

Regardless where you find our news, our reporters and editors keep pursuing the kind of work that sets us apart and helps make our towns, cities and state better. We have boots on the ground, covering the topics Mainers care about most, including local and state politics, environment, education, health care, housing, economic development and criminal justice. In addition, we showcase the best, and quirkiest, of the state’s food and culture, while also highlighting the innovation proudly coming from within our borders. 

Read about our newsroom policies and guidelines.

Our Community Board

The Maine Trust Community Board is a critical partner to the Maine Trust for Local News management and leadership. The Board offers input into the strategic and operational direction of the Maine Trust and contributes to engaging with the communities served by Maine Trust newspaper and digital news products.

Mark Stode
Mark Stodder, Chair of the Board, Cape Elizabeth
Shanna Cox
Shanna Cox, Lewiston
Samuel Hight
Sam Hight, Skowhegan
Josephine Katandula
Josephine Katandula, Portland
Roger Katz
Roger Katz, Augusta
Georges Budago Makoko
Georges Budago Makoko, Westbrook

To contact a board member or for general inquiries please email

METLN Leadership

Our leadership team is invested in Maine. Living and working here by choice. Committed to the future of local journalism and democracy.

stefanie manning
Stefanie Manning

Managing Director

matt fulton
Matt Fulton

Chief Product Officer

Carolyn Fox
Carolyn Fox

Executive Editor

Nina Weyl

Maine Field Director

Erin Glendenning

Operations Lead

ali mccann
Allison McCann

Head of Business Development

Our Supporters

The collective financial support of these individuals and institutions is helping us create a new future for community news in Maine. We thank each of these generous donors for their commitment to stopping the spread of news deserts and their belief in the power of community newspapers to connect people to the places they live. We welcome your participation. To learn more about how you can join our movement, contact

Andy Serwer and Puiking Hui
Adam Blumenthal and Lynn Feasley
Alan Willemsen
Ann Duffy Rust
Ann Mcdaniel
Anna Jenefsky
Barbara Gauditz
Barry and Karen Mills
Bill and Karen Burke
Billy Shore
Carol M Davis
Constance Cardamone
Cornelius Gallagher
Daniel Hildreth
David and Karen Barry
David Potel and Nancy Blum
Deborah Crimmins
Deborah Reed
Dick and Carolyn McGoldrick
Douglas Williams
Edwana Meisner
Elizabeth Weitzman
Ellen Goodman
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Emily & Spencer Jones Foundation
Emily Barr and Scott Kane
Emily Jones
Fritz and Susan Onion
Gail Grossmann
Geraldine Canning
Gwendolyn M Mathilde
Henry Laurence
Herbert Janick
Jack and Margo Simmons
Jacob and Terry Gerritsen
Jace Cohen
Jane Begert
Jason and Jacquelyn Pinkham
Jeff Emerson and Vicky Lorant
Jennie Rosenthal
J. Mason Morfit
Joan Leitzer and Ken Spirer
Joanne Crepeau
John and Cindy Reed
John and Linda Coleman
John Mckernan and Olympia Snowe
John Newlin and Patty Carton
John Ryan and Jenny Scheu
John T. Gorman Foundation

John and Anne Wasileski
Judith A. Saryan
Justin and Rachael Alfond
Karen Pensiero
Katharine J Watson
Katherine Sasser
Katie McGrath & JJ Abrams Family Foundation
Keith Mestrich and Tilney Wickersham
Kenneth Hayes
Kenneth Spirer and Joan Leitzer
Knight Foundation
Kristin Hite
Lucas and Yemaya St. Clair
Maine Journalism Foundation
Margaret Cary & Richard Curran
Mark and Rachel Jablonowski
Mary Allen Lindemann
Mary Susan Leahy
Matthew Storin
Meg and Brian Dietz
Michael and Denise Dubyak
Michael and Rebecca Lambert
Nicholas Grace
Northlight Foundation
Patrisha McLean
Phil Coupe
Rachel Lomas
Robert Flight
Robin Aikman
Roger and Margot Milliken
Roger Berle and Lesley MacVane Berle
Sean Mcvity
Sissy and Sandy Buck
Stephen Lunt
Steven Koltai
Susan and Douglas Williams
Susan and John Kirk
Susan Schraft and Richard Berne
Susannah Swihart
Susanna Badgley Place and Scott Stoll
The Boston Foundation
The Dimassa Family Foundation
The Lenfest Institute For Journalism
Thomas F. Staley Foundation
Tim McCloskey
Wallace Foundation
Warren Goldfarb
William Marston
Anonymous x 3

And over 1,000 readers and supporters